Why you may need to fire high performers quickly.
Discover the importance of balancing high performance with values in the workplace and why firing high performers could be necessary to protect the culture of your organization. Avoid making costly mistakes in your leadership journey.
5 Key Factors in Building a Strong Brand
Explore the importance of building a strong brand for your business - the role that your brand's visual identity, brand experience, and company culture play in creating a positive perception of your company, and the role that your brand plays in your overall business strategy and how it can help you achieve your goals.
New Brand Launch: Free to Be Me
Entrepreneur & Stylist Rebecca Theyel sets out to create a new kind of hair studio experience. KWS Solutions took on the challenge to craft a brand identity that is as unique as Rebecca’s vision and style.
3 ways to declutter your work life
In the Great Resignation there are so many people making a move. Contribute to the culture, build up people, not processes, & work like an essentialist.
Is your leadership stuck on cruise control?
"They hired me because I know how to do all of those things." But what if the only way to grow was to stop doing the things 'only I can do'?
Why growing teams should hire Swiss Army knives
A job description is just a starting template. Don't stop there. Release people to do what they do best and reward them in the process.
Why marketers think like entrepreneurs
When someone says the word "marketing" what comes to mind?
Words matter. People matter.
Are you speaking life into others? Words matter. People matter.
If you don’t have a great product, nothing else matters.
How do I know if my product is great? Simple! Ask your customers. Feedback is a wonderful gift!